Bajirru! there you all are, hello! From the Yanyuwa language of Balarinji’s origin community Borroloola NT
Jinangu awara wabarrangu barra kalu-wingka marnijinju wabudala kari-nguthundawabarrangu jinangu Australia li-wulu marnaji barra liyi-Yanyuwawu awara li-Marranbala li-Arrwangala li-Gudanji jinangu awara Burrulula marnaji yamulhu
Our Country we belong to is Borroloola. Yanyuwa, Marra, Gudanji and Garrawa people.We welcome everyone to this land Australia.
Yanyuwa elder Samuel Evans Jamika
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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. are respectfully advised this website contains references, artworks and images of people who have passed
Transport for NSW

Sydney Metro West Designing with Country

Balarinji has been an integral part of the Central City Metro (CCM) design joint venture delivering the Sydney Metro West Technical Advisory services to TfNSW. They have led the Aboriginal research and engagement elements of our project with a huge level of professionalism. The input and approach they have provided is making a fundamental difference to the way we engage on design major infrastructure projects. Ros, John and their team have been a pleasure to work with and I would have no hesitation in recommending Balarinji.

Sam McWilliam, Major Projects Executive, WSP Australia Pty Limited, 2018

Recently I had the privilege of partaking in a consultative process with the incredible team at Balarinji. Professional, cultural safe and friendly, as was the environment they provided to participants. The team knew their subject matter and were extremely well versed and aware of the project and issues along with recognizing and understanding the importance of walking in two worlds whilst holding Traditional customs and beliefs at the core of all discussion. It was an amazing experience and I would highly recommend Balarinji for any further projects undertaken.

Julie Bukari Webb (Jones), Traditional Custodian Western Sydney, 2018