Bajirru! there you all are, hello! From the Yanyuwa language of Balarinji’s origin community Borroloola NT
Jinangu awara wabarrangu barra kalu-wingka marnijinju wabudala kari-nguthundawabarrangu jinangu Australia li-wulu marnaji barra liyi-Yanyuwawu awara li-Marranbala li-Arrwangala li-Gudanji jinangu awara Burrulula marnaji yamulhu
Our Country we belong to is Borroloola. Yanyuwa, Marra, Gudanji and Garrawa people.We welcome everyone to this land Australia.
Yanyuwa elder Samuel Evans Jamika
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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. are respectfully advised this website contains references, artworks and images of people who have passed
Endeavour Energy

Office Wayfinding & Acknowledgement of Country

In co-design with local Dharug artist Jamie Eastwood, Balarinji created a wayfinding and Acknowledgement of Country response inspired by the Mariong (Emu) in the Sky Dreaming story and the Burra (Eel) Dreaming spirit.

Balarinji produced a style guide including graphic elements and a colour palette for wayfinding applications across three newly refurbished depot sites as well as the new Endeavour Energy headquarters in Paramatta.

Balarinji also supported the artist to produce two Acknowledgement of Country murals for the depots and a bespoke artwork for the headquarters.

Custom Eel Bench

As part of the final delivery, Balarinji worked in co-design with Jamie to produce a custom bench inspired by the Burra (Eel). This work welcomes people to Endeavour Energy’s headquarters and sets up the beginning of the storytelling and wayfinding journey of the newly refurbished space.