Bajirru! there you all are, hello! From the Yanyuwa language of Balarinji’s origin community Borroloola NT
Jinangu awara wabarrangu barra kalu-wingka marnijinju wabudala kari-nguthundawabarrangu jinangu Australia li-wulu marnaji barra liyi-Yanyuwawu awara li-Marranbala li-Arrwangala li-Gudanji jinangu awara Burrulula marnaji yamulhu
Our Country we belong to is Borroloola. Yanyuwa, Marra, Gudanji and Garrawa people.We welcome everyone to this land Australia.
Yanyuwa elder Samuel Evans Jamika
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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. are respectfully advised this website contains references, artworks and images of people who have passed

Reconciliation Action Plan

Danielle Mate

Danielle is a descendant of the Murrawarri People on her Grandmother’s side and the Euahlayi People on her Grandfather’s side. Danielle Mate has held numerous private exhibitions in NSW, QLD and the ACT and in 2012, Danielle’s work became part of the Private Collection of The American Ambassador in Canberra ACT and President Obama’s Private Collection, The White House, Washington DC. Danielle found an early connection with art while at school and describes this time as a period of personal expression and learning about her own culture in an environment where identifying as a young Aboriginal person in a predominantly non-Aboriginal urban community was a difficult thing to do. Danielle has a Bachelor of Arts (Visual Arts and Design) from the University of Wollongong in NSW. Danielle says, ‘for thousands of years, Aboriginal people have been using symbolism and art forms to communicate and recount stories, and have not been reliant on the use of labelling or using paragraphs of words to share stories.’ Danielle creates art that is relevant to where she is from, where she has been and where she is at in her current belonging.